Friday, 26 August 2011

Dispatches from the Hogtown Front: Immigration lawyers urging Iraqis to enter Canada illegally

Dispatches from the Hogtown Front: Immigration lawyers urging Iraqis to enter Canada illegally


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  2. One supposition that several immigrants have is that they don't require an migrants attorney to assist them with the immigration law procedure.

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  3. Do not read able post,But i am impressed your site style,I am waiting your next update.Thanks....

  4. Do not read able post,But i am impressed your site style,I am waiting your next update.Thanks....

  5. People are waiting for your next update since December 2012 but you may be too busy to take-on more PI cases hoping to make money without providing services these clients need. If the cases are messed-up, you close the file and threaten the clients in Small Claims Court for your disbursements. Is this the way, you think, you will get the support to get elected as a Liberal candidate in the next federal election?
